In Partnership with Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Pa Family Support Alliance (PFSA) and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognize April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month and is committed to working with professionals, families, and communities across Pennsylvania to advocate and educate for the prevention child abuse and neglect. Through collective and strategic partnerships, we believe that communities can be strengthened to help protect children and support families.

Throughout April PFSA will host several events and activities during the month to call attention to the prevalence of child abuse and how private organizations, public entities, and individuals can work together to prevent and stop it.

Children are our most precious resource, and they deserve to be loved and protected and grow up in an environment that is free from abuse and neglect. That is why we have designed all our events and activities to not only elevate the ongoing work that our organization and child advocates are undertaking but also educate attendees and participants so that they leave feeling empowered to protect Pennsylvania’s children.

From hosting in-person events to engaging with various communities across the commonwealth to sponsoring virtual speakers, we invite you to work with us and help #ProtectPAKids!

Overview of April Events and Activities

Annual Flag Planting

On April 2, PFSA will once again sponsor this in-person event. From Front Street to the steps of the Capitol, PFSA staff, board of directors, statewide and local advocates, officials and corporate supporters will plant 4,720 blue flags to represent the number of substantiated child abuse cases and 57 black flags to represent the number of child deaths due to child abuse in Pennsylvania over one year.

Flag planting will begin at 9:00am at the corner of 3rd & State Street in Harrisburg, PA.

PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Ceremony

The symbol for child abuse prevention is the Blue Ribbon. PFSA will honor PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids from across the Commonwealth who have gone the extra mile to protect PA children. These individuals are recognized for their exceptional contributions as we continue to make every effort to prevent child abuse and neglect throughout Pennsylvania. Legislative leadership, elected and appointed officials of the administration will join us in recognizing our PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids award recipients!

The award ceremony will take place on April 2 at 10:30am in the Main Rotunda of the Capitol Complex in Harrisburg, PA.

Turn Pennsylvania Blue

Blue is the national symbolic color of child abuse prevention. PFSA will call on Pennsylvania-based reporters, on-air media personalities, celebrities, influencers, and elected officials to “Turn Pennsylvania Blue” on April 2. Although April 2 is Turn Pennsylvania Blue Day, every day in April is a great day for sporting the color blue.

Spotlight Speaker: Virtual Event

Stay tuned for details about this year’s Spotlight Speaker event!

Children’s Memorial & Data Map

PFSA will display child abuse and neglect data from Pennsylvania’s statewide report on an interactive map accompanied by memorial video honoring the children who were lost due to child abuse and neglect. Check out the Children’s Memorial section to view this information and video.

Engaging Communities Across the Commonwealth

PFSA will work directly with individuals and child welfare organizations, like county children and youth service agencies, across the state on local activities that will publicly raise awareness about abuse prevention. By working together at a grassroots level, PFSA believes that all of us will be stronger together and better equipped to combat the future needs of our children.

CBCAP Network

PFSA’s Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Network is a diverse group of local organizations providing a wide range of prevention services and programs to anyone who may be in a parenting or caregiver role. Check out the CBCAP Network section to learn more about this powerful network.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which serves as a reminder that there is much work to be done to help protect our children. Our PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids movement is a call to action to get involved, to strengthen and support families, to watch out for the safety of children in your neighborhood, and to learn how to report child abuse.

Each April, Pa Family Support Alliance (PFSA) honors individuals from across the Commonwealth who go above and beyond the call to #ProtectPAKids from abuse and neglect. These individuals are recognized as PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids for their exceptional contributions and efforts as we strive to prevent child abuse and neglect throughout Pennsylvania. PFSA is excited to honor four distinguished individuals in 2025 as PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids.

Child abuse is a public health crisis – but it is preventable. Each of us must play a role in child protection. Because every child needs a champion. If you suspect abuse, report it to ChildLine, the state’s 24/7 reporting hotline at 800-932-0313.

2025 PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Winners

2025 PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Winner

LaKeisha Berry
Director of Prevention & Family Support
Belmont Charter Network

2025 PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Winner

Joanne M. Godfrey
Family Advocate
Children’s Aid Society – The Lehman Center

2025 PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Winner

Tyler Smay
CASA Program Director
CASA of the Laurel Highlands – Beginnings, Inc.

2025 PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Award Winner

Hailey E. Houk
Police Detective
New Castle Police Department

PFSA is excited to host its annual Spotlight Speaker Series as part of National Child Abuse Prevention Month! We invite you to join us for this virtual event scheduled throughout April, where we will host special guest speakers to present on a topic relevant to all parents, caregivers, and professionals working with families. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of child abuse prevention efforts across systems and to educate other professionals on the impact that child abuse prevention can have for individuals, organizations, systems, and communities.

Registration is FREE

CEUs, Act 48, CLEs available

2025 Spotlight Speaker Series

Schedule of Events

Date & Time: April 10, 2025 @ 11am-12:30pm (EST)

Registration: Click to Register

Presentation Overview: Anyone who works with youth should know that, at some point, he or she will receive a report of or information about child sexual abuse. In our rapidly evolving world of technology, the likelihood has increased that the abuse will involve technology. This gives rise to questions about recognizing and reporting, especially when there is the need for quick evidence collection. This presentation will aid child-serving professionals in identifying and reporting different forms of sexual abuse that involve technology. We will also address the courtroom process and how to respond to legal process and give effective testimony.

Eligible for 1.5 credits

Speaker Info

Kristina Korobov, Senior Attorney, Zero Abuse Project

Kristina Korobov is a Senior Attorney with Zero Abuse Project.  She joined the team in July of 2023.  She brings over 20 years of experience as a Prosecutor and Trainer in the areas of crimes against children and crimes of sexual and domestic violence against adults.

Most recently, Kristina served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana. There, she was the Project Safe Childhood Coordinator, prosecuting cases involving internet crimes against children and sex trafficking of minors.  These prosecutions included sextortion, child solicitation, and hands-on offenses, as well as crimes involving trafficking in child sexual abuse material. She worked cases with the Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and served as the co-chair for the state’s anti-trafficking task force (IPATH).

Date & Time: April 17, 2025 @ 11am – 12pm (EST)

Registration: Click to Register

Presentation Overview: You came into this field to make a difference but often feel that the daily demands of the role leave you wondering about your impact. Jaz shares more of her journey in this powerful and positive presentation as a reminder to every member of your professional group that your work and their work changes lives! This presentation workshop will help you to rediscover and embrace the truth about your power to transform lives – no matter what your role is – while also empowering you to gain tools and inspiration to take actionable steps to drive positive change in your community!

Eligible for 1 credit

Speaker Info

Jaz Ampaw-Farr, International Keynote Speaker, Be Human First

Jaz has a unique ability to help people and corporations reframe their stories and situations, bringing transformation to their work, life and communities. This is Jaz’s alchemy.

Multi-award winning keynote speaker and three-time Speaker Of The Year, Jaz’s feet are firmly on the ground by her impressive failure CV – especially when it comes to appearing on reality TV shows, which she does once every 20 years!

Jaz is highly recognized for the impact she’s had on the education and health sectors, galvanizing and inspiring those around her. She has led national and international projects, unlocking potential in leaders and teams, and is now highly sought after by organizations worldwide.

Date & Time: April 24, 2025 @ 11am – 12pm (EST)

Registration: Click to Register

Presentation Overview: “The Age of AI: Navigating AI’s Risks and Benefits for Youth” explores young people’s use of artificial intelligence (AI) applications including smart speakers and generative AI tools like chatbots. This presentation will provide an overview of how young people are engaging with AI technologies for both education and entertainment. Additionally, this presentation will provide an overview of both the risks present and the potential benefits of young people’s engagement with these technologies. Attendees will learn strategies for parents and caregivers to make decisions about if, how, and/or when these tools should be used in ways that promote digital wellbeing for their child(ren). Attendees will also be introduced to critical thinking questions for assessing risks and benefits of existing and new technologies that young people may be likely to adopt.

Eligible for 1 credit

Speaker Info

Kaitlin Tiches, Medical Librarian & Knowledge Manager, Digital Wellness Lab

Kaitlin Tiches is the Medical Librarian & Knowledge Manager at the Digital Wellness Lab, where she is responsible for maintaining the Lab’s knowledge base about the positive and negative effects of media and technology on young people’s health. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Individual Concentration from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Kaitlin has held a variety of positions, including work as a biology and chemistry research assistant and analyst.

Kaitlin’s deep interest in the connections between education, research, and information literacy led her to pursue a Masters in Library and Information Sciences from Simmons University and a professional shift to K-12 education. Prior to joining the team at Boston Children’s Hospital, Kaitlin was a teacher and a high school Library Media Specialist.

Painting for Prevention, a program created by the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA), gives individuals, families, and communities an avenue for demonstrating their commitment and unity around child abuse prevention efforts. Each year, a new statewide design is released and hundreds of Painting for Prevention kits are distributed and shared across communities in Pennsylvania during Child Abuse Prevention Month. Painting for Prevention projects strengthen communities and unite community members in the common goal to prevent child abuse and neglect. Additionally, they also serve as a symbol for awareness and hope to support children and families within and around our communities.

The blue ribbon is always featured in the design of each Painting for Prevention project. The blue ribbon serves as a national symbol to remind us of the seriousness of child abuse and the need for prevention. The blue ribbon is also used as a personal reminder that we are all individually responsible for protecting the children in our lives. #ProtectPAKids!

NEW for 2025!

CLICK HERE to download this year’s Painting for Prevention design to print from home and participate.

Be creative! Our only request is that you keep the ribbon blue for child abuse prevention awareness. Upon completion, please consider uploading a photo of your masterpiece on social media using the hashtag #ProtectPAKids.

Here are our previous Painting for Prevention designs, also available to download and print!




THANK YOU for your participation in this year’s Painting for Prevention project!

Lost Children’s Memorial Video

Interactive Data Map

This interactive data map represents child abuse fatality data gathered from the 2023 Annual Child Protective Services Report, which is produced annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (the annual report for 2024 has not yet been finalized). A total of 57 child fatalities and 119 near fatalities due to child abuse were substantiated statewide during 2023. This number is broken down by each county on the map below. 

To view the child abuse fatality data by county, place your cursor over any county on the map. Click on the county to reveal more specific data related to the number of substantiated cases, fatalities, and near fatalities for that county.  

2024 Event Photos

At the center of PFSA’s mission sits the family-serving, community-based organizations across Pennsylvania that we have had the privilege to partner with over the years. The Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Network is a diverse network of local organizations, providing a wide range of prevention services and programs to anyone who may be in a parenting or caregiver role.

These partnering organizations create a strong and united statewide network that, together, promotes positive, safe, and healthy family development within the local communities. PFSA is proud to provide support and resources for this network year after year, including professional development opportunities, technical assistance, programming expansion, and a variety of resources for local families and communities. This ongoing relationship helps to create a positive impact on caregivers, families, and children all across the commonwealth.

PFSA works with individual CBCAP agencies on a variety of collaborative projects, virtual programming, relevant publications, and resources, as well as remote learning webinars and training opportunities. All of this effort supports the pathway toward a safe and healthy future for Pennsylvania families and children.

If you are a community-based agency with a focus on supporting families and preventing child abuse, PFSA invites you to learn more about the CBCAP Network and the opportunity to partner. Click the document to the right to gain insights on the work ahead, membership benefits, and how you can get involved. To submit an interest form for joining PFSA’s CBCAP Network, click here.

If you have any questions regarding PFSA’s CBCAP Network, contact our Prevention Services Manager, Justin Donofrio, at [email protected].

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In Partnership with Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

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