CE Credit Request

Act 31 Credits
(Department of State)
- Do you hold a health related license under Department of State or are you making your application for a health related license?
- Do you need CEs for completion of training on child abuse recognition and reporting under Act 31 of 2014?
- Have you completed or registered for PFSA’s online, onsite or virtual training?

Act 48 Credits
(Department of Education)
- Are you a certified PA educational professional (K-12) who would like to receive ACT 48 hours for training on the child abuse recognition and reporting portion of Act 126?
- Have you completed or registered for PFSA’s online, onsite or virtual training?
- Is this training on or after February 11, 2016?
Note: If you do not need Act 31 or Act 48, please skip this step. Certificates are sent based on attendance, regardless if CE’s are requested.