
GivingTuesday is a global initiative that encourages individuals to support nonprofit organizations that work to transform their communities, and to a larger extent, work to transform the world. This year, GivingTuesday will occur on December 3, and our organization is not only participating by encouraging our supporters to do good, but we are asking for your help.
Our small but mighty team of ten staff members works tirelessly day-in and day-out, to provide educational training programs to make Pennsylvania safer for children. Our mission, goal, and commitment remains steadfast: we are working to ensure that every single child will be able to grow and thrive in an environment free from abuse and neglect.
We educate and train nearly 30,000 individuals across the Commonwealth annually, on how to recognize and report the signs of child abuse and neglect. We provide training programs to individuals who work as teachers, law enforcement officers, faith leaders, daycare workers, therapists, and many more professionals.
While creating a culture and society that is free from child abuse and neglect is not an easy task, it’s also not a task that we can do alone. Preventing child abuse and neglect should be a priority of every adult, particularly those in positions of authority in our schools, communities, and legislative bodies.
We need your support and we are asking for it with a sense of urgency. All one needs to do is look at the recent statistics of child abuse cases in the Commonwealth—they are startling, disturbing, infuriating, and should be unacceptable—to all of us. Each year, the numbers of substantiated child abuse cases in Pennsylvania continues to rise.
While these numbers prove that individuals who work with and around children are actually recognizing the signs of child abuse and reporting it to the proper authorities, they also symbolize the prevalence of abuse and neglect in our society, and show us that there is so much more work yet to be done.
Our organization needs your generous support to ensure that this work continues. Please consider making a financial donation, so that our dedicated team can continue educating, training, and creating awareness. Together, we can prevent child abuse and neglect and transform our communities.
Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse
2018 Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ Child Protective Services Annual Report
We compiled a list of tips together to help you navigate this process.
- 2018: 5,102 substantiated cases
- 2017: 4,836 substantiated cases
- 2016: 4,349 substantiated cases
- 2015: 4,267 substantiated cases
- 2014: 3,088 substantiated cases