In November 2018, PFSA embarked on a journey to provide family service professionals the opportunity to enrich their existing skills set with tools and new approaches for supporting caregivers and parents who are in recovery from substance use disorder. The Families in Recovery Program was piloted statewide in Pennsylvania by family educators and support staff […]
Tips On Finding Trustworthy Child Care
If you are a parent, then you know that finding a trustworthy, responsible, and kind-hearted adult to take care of your child while you are at work, attending school, or even running errands is truly one of the most important and monumental decisions that you could ever make. How do you decide who is “good […]
Mister Rogers & The Recipe For Childhood Joy
I treated myself recently to one of my favorite slices of Americana; taking in a film at an old-fashioned downtown movie theater complete with the original marquee and exactly one ticket booth. I was thrilled at how bustling things were in this small town on a Friday night. It was challenging to find parking and […]
Child Abuse Prevention Symposium 9-18-2019
Uplifting, educational, and hopeful. Those are the three words I would use to describe the first Child Abuse Prevention Symposium we recently held at the Hilton in downtown Harrisburg. In honor of our 40th anniversary, our team brainstormed ideas on how we could celebrate our organization’s history. One idea made perfect sense to us, and […]
On The Record With Jane Straub
Our first Child Abuse Prevention Symposium is less than two weeks away, and we are thrilled that Jane Straub, a nationally recognized expert on child abuse prevention and victim assistance will be one of our featured guests conducting breakout training sessions for attendees throughout the day. Jane is the Victim Assistance Specialist for the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center […]
Safety Tips For Parents, As You Get Your Kids Ready For a New School Year
As you’re out Back to School shopping with your kids for their new backpacks and outfits, you need to set aside some time to talk to your kids about what it means to be safe. Children experience a plethora of changes as they age into school and progress through elementary, middle and high school. Each […]
How To Ensure Your Students Have A Safe School Year
If you are a teacher, volunteer, or work with children, it is imperative that you are aware of legal and regulatory changes. Whether at home or school, protecting students from harm is a responsibility borne by adults, and especially if you are considered a mandated reporter. A list of individuals identified as mandated reporters is […]
What Gratitude Means To Us On #Givingtuesday (And All Year ‘Round)
“Expressing gratitude” is a term you hear a lot around the holidays, along with other phrases like “winter wonderland,” “holiday sales” and “maybe just one more piece of pie.” Of course, when you depend on the generosity of others to perform your work, gratitude becomes more than just an annual event. It’s something we experience […]
A Plea To Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Justices: Treat Pregnant, Drug-Addicted Moms With Compassion
One evening during the blizzard of 1993, my biological mother surrendered me to the life-long care of my maternal grandmother. I was five-years old. She packed a bag, bundled me in layers, and walked me out the front door — instructing me to wait until someone came to pick me up. As an adult, I […]
When It Comes To Child Sexual Abuse, We are Out of Forgiveness, Patience & Time
Although the grand jury report’s findings have been speculated upon for months, the details it reveals of systemic and widespread sexual abuse of children by priests – and the cover-up of that abuse – in six dioceses in Pennsylvania are shocking and deeply offensive. Childhood should be a time of innocence. Those who perpetrated these […]