Family Alliance Mutual Support

Training & Programs / Family Alliance Mutual Support

Program Overview

The Family Alliance Mutual Support Program was developed as a longstanding support service for parents and caregivers of all backgrounds raising today’s children.

While the concept of mutual self-help and support groups is not new, PFSA developed the Family Alliance Mutual Support Program with modern challenges in mind – while remaining true to the principles and paradigms that have made support groups successful for many years.

The primary goals of the Family Alliance Mutual Support program are to:

  • Engage caregivers and promote mutual support programs in communities that are under-served or under-serviced.
  • Supplement and strengthen the capacity of existing organizations to promote parent leadership.
  • Promote and increase public awareness of mutual self-help benefits and supports.

Click and download the FAMS Program Handbook to learn more!

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Program and Training Opportunities

Train-the-Trainer (TTT): The FAMS program is offered as a Train-the-Trainer exclusively to PFSA’s CBCAP Network members. Agencies receiving this training are authorized to implement and deliver the FAMS program directly within their communities. If you are interested in becoming a CBCAP member and enrolling in a Train-the-Trainer opportunity, please contact Justin Donofrio ([email protected]).

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