Legislative Advocacy
PFSA works diligently to educate legislators so they understand the complexities of the child welfare system, the impact of child abuse and neglect, the importance of prevention programs and policy issues to better protect the children of Pennsylvania.
PFSA also serves on a variety of state convened workgroups that address improved policy, practice and outcomes within our child welfare system.
Examples include:
- Reporting Requirements for Children Served in Residential Care Facilities, which resulted in a training curriculum to address over reporting to ChildLine.
- PA Council Title IV-E Prevention Services Workgroup to assist with PA’s plan for implementing Family First Prevention Services Act, federal legislation designed to increase prevention funding in all states.
PFSA joins forces with other statewide stakeholders to identify gaps in policy that allow children to continue to be victimized and we work to identify solutions.
YOUR voice is often the one most needed – and heard by legislators! Please let your lawmaker know your views to better #ProtectPaKids.