Parenting Teens
Parents of teenagers can get frustrated with the ever-changing moods and interests of their child. But the joys of seeing your child (who is no longer a child!) prepare for independence can also be part of this important stage in development. A few tips to help you weather the teenage storm:
- Parenting Primer for Parents of Teens – This booklet offers tips on how to handle common teenage concerns – things like knowing the warning signs of serious problems and talking with teens about sex.
- Spanish Version – Parenting Primer for Parents of Teens – This booklet offers tips on how to handle common teenage concerns – things like knowing the warning signs of serious problems and talking with teens about sex.
- The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction – National Institute of Health publication on teen brain development.
- Beyond “Fine” – When you ask “how are you?” and they say “fine” – what do you do next?
- Home Rewards for Teenagers – Teens respond to rewards and praise just like younger kids. Here are some ideas for rewarding good behavior in teens.
- Helping Teens Cope With Stress – Teens get stressed out too. Here are some ways parents can help.
- A Day’s Input to a Teen – What does the average teen hear from his parents every day? Find out here.
- Normal Behaviors of Adolescents – What’s normal for teens?
- Top 10 Tips for Parenting Teens – Some basic thoughts on how to parent teens in today’s times.