PA Family Support Alliance Denounces Separation Of Migrant Children From Parents As Child Abuse

Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance President and CEO Angela M. Liddle, MPA, today issued the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We call on Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation to denounce forcefully the policy of separating migrant children from their parents who have come to America seeking a better, safer life for their families. Make no mistake: This separation policy is, as Dr. Colleen Kraft, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, termed it, ‘government-sanctioned child abuse’ and an affront to human decency.

“We implore the Trump administration and members of Congress to swiftly reach a bipartisan, compassionate resolution that puts the safety and well-being of children brought to this country first, while also protecting the security of our national border.  Separating children from their parents and housing them in caged, mass detention centers for long periods of time is a prescription for long-term, potentially irreversible emotional, physical, and psychological harm. It is an untenable situation that cries out for an immediate end.

“We must protect these vulnerable children and keep the families together pending the resolution of their immigration status.”

ABOUT PFSA: Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance prevents child abuse and protects children from harm by helping parents learn positive parenting techniques, educating professionals and volunteers who work with children to recognize and report child abuse, and helping community members learn how they can play a positive role in keeping children safe. To learn more about our programs, schedule a training, or make a donation, please visit, or call 800-448-4906.

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