Harrisburg PA GOES BLUE – April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Dauphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick, District Attorney Francis Chardo, Commissioner George Hartwick, Lawmakers, Youth Ambassador, Business Leaders and Volunteers to Join PFSA to Plant Thousands of Flags for Child Abuse Prevention #ProtectPAKids
HARRISBURG, Pa. – PA Family Support Alliance (PFSA), the state leader in child protection, and its sponsors PSECU, the Outdoor Advertising Association of Pennsylvania and Weis Markets
will host a blue ribbon flag-planting ceremony on Saturday, March 30 from 8 a.m.-9:30 a.m. in Harrisburg to mark the start of Child Abuse Prevention Month in Pa.
Celebrities, led by Dauphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick, District Attorney Francis Chardo, Commissioner George Hartwick, and Youth Ambassador Gabby Kerchner, along with lawmakers, business leaders and volunteers will help PFSA plant 4,693 blue ribbon flags along the State Street Corridor and the front of the State Capitol. Each flag represents one child harmed by abuse in Pennsylvania. The blue ribbon is the national symbol of child abuse prevention. They also will plant 40 black flags to honor each child killed by abuse.
“Child abuse is a public health epidemic that is preventable. We all must become Champions for Safe Kids and that’s what this entire project is designed to do: Let Pennsylvanians know what they can do to prevent child abuse and report it when they suspect a child is in danger,” says PFSA President and CEO Angela Liddle. “We hope Pennsylvanians across the state will join us to better protect our kids and help raise awareness.”
WHO: PA Family Support Alliance President and CEO Angela M. Liddle, PFSA board members and staff; Dauphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick; Dauphin County District Attorney Francis Chardo; Commissioner George Hartwick; Gabby Kerchner of Gabby’s Acts of Kindness; state lawmakers, business leaders; and volunteers.
WHAT: PFSA’s “PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Flag-Planting Ceremony,” a free, open-to-the-public community event to raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April .
WHEN: Saturday, March 30 from 8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Northwest corner of Third and State Streets across from the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pa.
ABOUT PFSA: Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance prevents child abuse and protects children from harm by helping parents learn positive parenting techniques, educating professionals and volunteers who work with children to recognize and report child abuse, and helping community members
learn how they can play a positive role in keeping children safe. To learn more about our programs, schedule a training, or make a donation, please visit pa-fsa.org, or call 800-448-4906. Here’s a link to the overall campaign www.pablueribbonchampion.org.
3 – PA Blue Ribbon Champions for Safe Kids Awards Ceremony at the State Capitol
10:30 a.m. Music / 11 a.m. Awards Ceremony
The city will be awash in blue lights – the State Street Corridor, Harrisburg City bridges, the State Capitol, businesses and residences, Ron Kamionka’s group of 5 restaurants and bars on Second Street downtown, the Harrisburg Hilton, and the PA Turnpike Central Administration Building. It’s officially #WearBlueDay for Child Abuse Prevention in PA.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 – Flag Planting and Awards Ceremony in Pittsburgh 8 a.m., Flag Planting, City County Building, 414 Grant Street / 9:30 a.m. Breakfast & 10 a.m. Awards Ceremony, One Oxford Center, 2nd Floor, 301 Grant Street.
This year, we’re expanding to Pittsburgh and in ONE DAY, we will put up the 4,693 blue flags and 40 black flags on Grant Street and light Pittsburgh BLUE, as well as honor an outstanding Blue Ribbon Champion for Safe Kids.