Pa Family Support Alliance to Host It’s First Child Abuse Prevention Symposium

In celebration of PFSA’s 40th anniversary, they have created a day-long seminar where professionals from across the state will come together to receive child abuse prevention training
The PA Family Support Alliance (PFSA), a nonprofit organization that is widely recognized as the leading expert on child protection and child abuse prevention in the state, will host its first Child Abuse Prevention Symposium at the Harrisburg Hilton. With the number of confirmed cases of child abuse continuing to rise each year, PFSA is bringing in nationally recognized experts to speak on key child abuse prevention topics to better equip our professionals and volunteers who work with children. As part of the symposium, attorneys will be able to earn Continuing Legal Education Credits (CLE’s); Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors can earn Continuing Education Units (CEU’s); and those holding PCB certifications can earn educational credits.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019: 8 am – 4 pm
Attorney General Josh Shapiro
Liz Murray, author of Breaking Night
- Liz is a nationally recognized speaker and her story of going from homelessness at age 15 to being accepted into Harvard is the basis of the TV movie, Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story
Victor Vieth, Director of Education and Research at Zero Abuse Project
- Victor has trained thousands of child-protection professionals both nationally and internationally and published countless articles related to the investigation, prosecution and prevention of child abuse and neglect. Victor is a nationally recognized expert in the field of interpersonal violence and has received national recognition for his work in addressing child abuse.
Jane Straub, Victim Assistance Specialist at the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center
- Jane is a nationally recognized trainer who educates professionals on topics related to violence and prevention and advocates for victims and families struggling with the effects of abuse or neglect.
Angela Liddle, President and CEO, Pa Family Support Alliance
Attendees will include professionals and volunteers from across the state who work with children
Hilton Harrisburg (Pennsylvania Ballroom)
1 North 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101
ATTN EDITORS/VISUALS: There will be plenty of opportunities for interviews, b-roll, and photography throughout the day, both with the speakers and attendees.
8:00 am Registration & Breakfast
9:00 am Introductions
9:15 am Liz Murray, Keynote Speaker
10:15 am Morning Break
10:30 am Morning Breakout Sessions
12:00 pm Luncheon
1:30 pm Afternoon Breakout Sessions
3:00 pm Afternoon Break
3:15 pm Attorney General Josh Shapiro will give the Closing Remarks