Protection For Mandated Reporters
Information regarding cases of child abuse is confidential except in certain instances specified by law. In most circumstances, the identity of a person who makes a report of suspected abuse or cooperates in a subsequent investigation is kept confidential and cannot be released by the county agency. However, if the case must be reported to law enforcement officials by the county agency, the names of the persons who made the report or cooperated in the investigation must be given to law enforcement officials upon request. Law enforcement officials must treat the reporting sources and persons who cooperated in the investigation as confidential informants.
All persons are protected from civil and criminal liability if acting in good faith when reporting, cooperating and consulting in investigations, testifying in proceedings as a result of the report, taking photographs, arranging for medical tests and x-rays, taking a child into protective custody (as allowed under the CPSL) and admitting a child to a private or public hospital. The good faith of a mandated reporter is assumed.
The amendments to the CPSL have expanded immunity from liability for reporting general protective services cases and testifying in proceedings as a result of the general protective services report. Also, mandated reporters may not be the victims of employment discrimination because they have made a report.