Strategic Plan

Our Mission
Pa Family Support Alliance provides education, support, and training programs to make Pennsylvania safe for children.

Our Vision
For all children to grow and thrive free from abuse and neglect.

Our Values
Adaptive • Agile • Collaborative • Committed • Passionate • Reliable • Responsive • Visionary
Strategic Plan (FY 25-28)
1. Evolve programming to meet the dynamic needs of PFSA’s key audiences and to support the sustainability of PFSA.
- Expand reach of CBCAP/Affiliate network to eventually service all 67 counties with an affiliate agency in each county by the end of the strategic plan period
- Offer flexible, comprehensive training to Affiliate agency staff through virtual, on-demand, and/or in-person training sessions to best meet the changing needs of local agencies
- Generate increased access for individuals and groups with lived experience to provide feedback and advisement related to educational programs and advocacy for families
- Incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in all educational and child abuse prevention materials and resources to better meet the needs of all populations served
- Integrate cultural competency training into all educational programs based on program audience and application
- Establish and grow partnerships with community organizations representing diverse groups to ensure that educational materials and resources are culturally sensitive and accessible
- Continue to develop specialty programs to address the needs of specific communities, such as: Amish; Old Order Mennonite; Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Intentionally engage organizations and systems serving vulnerable populations such as Family Resource Centers and county Children and Youth Agencies
- Promote curricula for advanced training such as Responding to Disclosures of Abuse or Training on Neglect
- Develop programming that will meet Act 126 requirements on educator misconduct
- Reach more local law enforcement agencies with curriculum provided to state police
- Strengthen and expand TTT programs with infusion of designated staff and resources
2. Demonstrate and validate the quality and value of PFSA’s program through a commitment to evaluation and use of evidence to inform decisions and continuous improvement efforts.
- Finalize Families in Recovery program evaluation with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and submit to credentialing entities for evidence-based status
- Carry out 3-4 year program evaluation (randomized trial) with CHOP/Policy Lab (in process) to enhance data collection and data quality for Families in Recovery program
- Finalize Mandated Reporter Training outcomes report with CHOP regarding surveys/data
- Assess and update pre and post training survey questions to better reflect transfer of learning
- Create an outcomes report after two years of utilizing the new pre and post training questions
- Incorporate applicable demographic data in all program evaluations to assess the effectiveness of services across different demographic groups and identify any disparities in outcomes
3. Expand and advance PFSA’s awareness, impact, and reach through effective education and advocacy.
- Maintain rigorous communications and public relations service through a highly qualified vendor
- Consult with a marketing firm to identify best approach to leverage storytelling strategies to promote awareness and program impact
- Re-launch Blue Ribbon prevention campaign to further engage a wide range of key audiences and raise awareness of child abuse prevention
- • Pilot approaches to measure return on investment of communication and outreach efforts
- Track conversions from media hits to donations, newsletter sign ups, training sign ups, etc. on website
- Track conversions from media hits, grouped by sentiment types (positive, negative and neutral) to the website to see how the sentiment type impacts conversion rates
- Geographic Reach: Track the geographic reach of media hits
- Review all communication / PR efforts to ensure they reflect the diversity of families served by PFSA
- Continue to adapt communication and outreach efforts to reach underserved communities by using targeted messaging and channels that are accessible and relevant to diverse populations
4. Sustain PFSA’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and racial justice both internally and externally across the networks.
- Define benchmarks and metrics, including participant demographics to monitor PFSA‘s internal and external progress related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Incorporate DEI concepts and tools within new and existing PFSA training, resources, and programs
- Continue implementation of laddered learning plan rolling out to PFSA contracted trainers, and then to entire CBCAP Network
- Encourage CBCAP Network members to evaluate their programs, language, and recruitment of board and staff
- Incorporate more focused language on inclusion and what that means, when possible/applicable
- Elevate efforts to broaden both internal and external impact of DEI commitment and standards
5. Continue building organizational and operational excellence through strong infrastructure, talent, acquisition, and culture.
- Continue organizational employee recognition and professional development initiatives
- Complete transition to cloud-based data storage, allowing for hybrid in-person and remote operations to be offered
- Evaluate and implement best fit options for office space, including future considerations
- Maintain active board recruitment strategies and prioritize inclusive practices in talent acquisition efforts to ensure strong leadership succession consistent with DEI initiatives
- Maintain focus on agility and responsiveness to evolving landscape in child welfare, child abuse prevention, and family support
- Conduct formal wage and salary review annually
- Conduct a comprehensive annual performance review and regular review of position descriptions
- Conduct bi-annual CEO performance review process
- Conduct bi-annual board self-evaluation process
- Conduct regular review of organizational fiscal and operational policies
- Conduct annual IT review and plan to ensure PFSA is current and up to date on technological processes and services