The Front Porch Project®
The Front Porch Project® is a community-based primary prevention initiative based on the belief that everyone can – and should – become more aware of how to help protect children and support families in their own community. It provides community members with the knowledge, training, and encouragement they need to take an active role in preventing abuse and neglect before it occurs.
Often, after the death of a child due to abuse or neglect, neighbors and community members ask, “Is there anything I could have done to help?” and look for ways that they might safely have intervened to protect the child before the tragedy occurred.

Training Formats Include
- Community Presentation (1 Day)
- Train-the-Trainer Program (2 Days)
PFSA partners with various statewide organizations to offer FPP® in their communities, faith-based organizations, schools, neighborhood watch and community development programs. Often, the training is offered at no charge to the community (there is never a charge to individuals who want to attend) and there are just a few basic requirements the hosting organization must fulfill.
We are flexible in working with groups to arrange dates and times, help with recruitment of participants and other logistics. FPP® can be adapted for the needs of your community and organization.